The Sunshine Coast is a beautiful environment to learn to surf all year round!
Our main concern is too much unprotected exposure to the sun.
At Caloundra Surf School, we work closely with the Cancer Council Queensland to make sure our students understand how to surf “Sun Safe”. This is a very important part of our learn-to-surf program.
As part of your lesson, we will also provide you with free sunscreen and information about how to be “Sun Safe” on the beach and in the surf.
SLIP ON YOUR SUN PROTECTIVE CLOTHING It’s best to surf in a rash vest, so please bring your own if you have one. But don’t worry if you haven’t got your own rashie, as we’ll supply a clean, fresh one for you to use during the lesson.
SLOP ON YOUR SUNSCREEN Of course, it is vital to have good sunscreen protection before spending time in the great Aussie outdoors. It’s better to apply your sunscreen about 30 mins before the lesson, but we will provide you with free sunscreen from the Cancer Council Queensland as part of our service.
SLAP ON A HAT We also suggest that you bring a hat to wear while we’re doing our ocean safety talk and “how to surf” instruction on the beach before we hit the water.
SLIDE ON SUNGLASSES You are also encouraged to wear your sunglasses while we’re doing our talk and practice on the beach before we enter the water.
SEEK SHADE And when you’re planning on spending a lot of time at the beach, you should try to get shade from a beach umbrella or shelter, or sit under natural shade like a tree.

Happy Valley (Corner Ian St and Esplanade Bulcock Beach)
Dicky Beach (Car Park / Skate Bowl)
We meet in the big car-park opposite the Dicky Beach shops and near the Dicky Beach Family Holiday Park (caravan park). This is Beach Access 266.
Dicky Beach (at the end of Bell St)
Currimundi (Corner of Robe St and Watson Street)
We meet in the car-park at the beach end of ROBE STREET, CURRIMUNDI (at the corner of Robe Street and Watson Street). It’s Beach Access 256, and is about 300m south of Currimundi Lake. (Robe Street runs off Currimundi Road). We will be there in our white van.